
 المكتشف المثقف

  تعرفوا على مسابقتنا الأسبوعية "المكتشف المثقف" في اللغة العربية والعلوم الإسلامية والثقافة العامة والاجتماعيات لجميع طلاب مدارس المكتشف العالمية.

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 Student Council

  Here is your opportunity to experience leadership at Al Moktashef International School. Be part of MIS 2021-2022 Student Council. The role of

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 Poetry Writing Contest

  It is time to take your innovation into action! using your skills in every aspect is the way to WIN! MIS English Department is delighted to announce

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 Fictional Writing Comprehensive Project Contest

  It is time to take your innovation into action! using your skills in every aspect is the way to WIN! MIS English Department is delighted to an

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 MIS Channel

  Very soon! For the second consecutive year, our exemplary lessons on YouTube.

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 بقيادتكم ننطلق للمستقبل

  نهنئ أنفسنا وقيادتنا باليوم الوطني 91 كل عامٍ وقيادتنا ووطننا بخير وسلام.

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 تحتفل مدارس المكتشف العالمية باليوم الوطني 91

  هي لنا دارٌ نموها مستمر، وازدهارها يكون بسواعدنا نحن، لذلك نبذل لها كل طاقتنا ونرسل نحوها كل أمانينا وطموحاتنا. لذلك تحتفل مدارس المكتشف العالمية با

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 إجازة اليوم الوطني

  إجازة اليوم الوطني السعودي 91 للطلاب والطالبات يومي الأربعاء و الخميس 22 و 23 سبتمبر 2021. كل عام و دارنا الطيبة بخير وسلام

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 MIS Rules

  Get informed with MIS Rules and make sure you follow them for the return of regular school classes this Sunday 19th September 2021 تع

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 Safety Precautions

  For a safe return, it is important for our students to follow the safety precautions. We emphasize that all students above 12 years old who haven’t

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 Class Schedule and weekly study plan.

  Dear MIS students, Kindly follow the below steps to check your Class Schedule and weekly study plan. 1- Go to 2- Login in usi

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 Welcome Back

  Dear Grade 7-12 students, We are thrilled to welcome you to MIS! It is our pleasure to announce that grade 7-12 students, who are fully immune,

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 أهلا وسهلا

  هيا بنا نستأنف العودة يسرنا الإعلان عن مواعيد استقبال الطلاب والطالبات المحصنين من الصفوف ٧ وحتى ١٢ بدءً من يوم الأحد القادم الموافق ١٩ سبتمبر ٢٠

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 The Remaining Books

  Dear KGs Parents We would like to inform you that the remaining books will be delivered starting Monday, September 13, 2021 at MIS girls' campus\

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 Important Note

  Dear Parents, MIS administration is working on providing a high-quality technical service to the students and their parents. Thus, we are currently

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 Weekly plan

  Dear MIS students, Kindly follow the below steps to check weekly study plan 1- Go to 2- Login in using student's ID number as us

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 Virtual Classes Link

  Dear MIS students, Kindly follow the below steps to join the virtual class. 1- Go to 2- Login in using student's ID number as

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 Class Schdules

  Dear MIS students, Kindly follow the below steps to check your class schedule. 1- Go to 2- Login in using student's ID number a

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 Customer Relation Management

  Let`s stay connected! You can reach us on these numbers via Whatsapp or a phone call. لنبقى على تواصل، يمكنكم التواصل معنا عن طريق الواتساب

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 Technical Support

  Let`s stay connected! You can reach us on these numbers via Whatsapp or a phone call. لنبقى على تواصل، يمكنكم التواصل معنا عن طريق الواتساب

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